Support farmers standing up to the Govt

Support farmers standing up to the Govt 

Farmers have had a guts full of this Government, Invercargill MP and National’s Associate Agriculture spokesperson Penny Simmonds says.

I pledge my support for the ‘Howl of a Protest’ gatherings in Gore, Invercargill and Te Anau on Friday.

“Let’s show this Government that we’re not going to sit back and take it!

“Farmers tell me they’re sick and tired of the on-going political interference in their businesses.

“The unnecessary and punitive rules, regulations and taxes are forcing some farmers to the brink - both financially and mentally.

“We all feel it’s time to stand up and make ourselves heard - if you take farming out of the economy then this country will be brought to its knees.

“This is the message that needs to be driven home to this Labour Government and I am right behind Southland farmers in making sure that they’re heard.

“The protests are being organised by Groundswell, a community based group formed as a result of the unworkable Freshwater reforms in Southland. It has expanded nationwide and the recent Ute Tax announcement has seen urban communities become involved as well.

“It’s clear Labour doesn’t understand how farms operate, or the work farmers are doing in order to achieve better environmental outcomes.

“Farmers recognise the need for environmental change and are actively working to achieve these goals. Unfortunately they’re getting no credit and instead more and more heavy handed regulations are being hammered home.

“National understands and we value farmers. We are the Party for rural New Zealand, the Party whose foundations were built on the farming families of New Zealand.

“I will be at the Invercargill protest on Friday.”